
The 2nd international Face2Face Fundraising Conference
is a cooperation of
Austrian Fundraising Association (ZVR: 994812845)
and Fundraising Verband Austria Service GmbH (FN 383533w)


Austrian Fundraising Association (FVA)
Herbeckstrasse 27 / 2 / door 3
A-1180 Vienna
Phone: +43/1/276 52 98 -0
Email: fva [at]
ZVR No. 99 48 12 845

Other service providers:

Fundraising Verband Austria Service GmbH
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 383533 w
UID Nummer: ATU67471504
A-1180 Wien, Herbeckstrasse 27/10
Tel. +43 / 1 / 27 65 298 – 14

Authorized representative bodies

Ruth Williams, Managing director


Mag. Robert Buchhaus, Mag. Manfred Kumer, Gerhard Pock, Andrea Johanides, Dr. Walter Emberger

Design & programming

DI (FH) Michael Baierl

Basic direction

The website provides information about the first international Face2Face Fundraising Conference and its program.


For all links applies: FVA expressly declares that there is no influence on the design and content of the linked pages. For this reason, FVA hereby expressly dissociates itself from all contents of all linked pages on this domain and does not adopt these contents as its own. If linked to third-party websites, FVA assumes no responsibility for the content of the linked pages. By clicking on the link you leave the FVA information offer. For the offers of third parties may deviate laws apply, in particular concerning data protection. The topics and contents of external websites are not the responsibility of FVA – the respective domain owner is responsible for the content of these pages. This declaration applies to all links displayed on the domain and to all contents of the pages to which banners and links lead.

Notes on data protection:
For FVA, the protection of personal data is of utmost importance. In addition to complying with privacy laws, FVA is committed to the responsible use of your information so that your privacy is protected at all times. More information here.

FVA wants to constantly improve the online offer and make it attractive. Only if we know which FVA websites are visited most often and longest, the contents of the online offer can be optimized according to your needs. Personal information is used by the FVA for prospective customer surveys and information.