
Day 3 — Programme

Final day of #F2FCongress23 — Thursday, 1 June 2023.


9:00-9:15 - Morning session

Yoga wake-up session

Astrid Picello – Austrian Fundraising Association (Austria)

Rise & shine, baby!

Weary and stiff because of all the time you’ve spend sitting down in the last days? We’ve got you covered 😊

We will kick off this last conference day in an energizing and mindful way. Shake off all the stress and tension of the past days. Let go, breathe deeply and be fully present in the moment.

So, come as you are, step out of your comfort zone and shine!


9:15-10:15 - Keynote 7

Keynote 7 – How UNICEF is improving its F2F fundraising quality globally


Daniel McDonnell – UNICEF (UK)
Michael Cronin – UNICEF (Thailand)

How can charities quality control their F2F fundraising at scale? What are the most innovative and effective ways to monitor this?

In their keynote address, Michael Cronin and Daniel McDonnell will showcase UNICEF’s journey to deliver its global strategic objective -launched in 2022- to improve F2F quality.

Michael and Daniel will walk through how they defined universal standards and expectations across UNICEF’s F2F markets globally – a critical starting point in the journey to improve the supporter experience and donor retention – and how this culminated in the creation of a F2F Quality Management System (QMS). Next, they will reveal their new “F2F QMS” along with their top recommendations for quality control – including using qualitative fundraiser performance data to assess donor experience, and mandatory code of conduct training for agencies and in-house teams.


10:15-10:45 - Break


10:45-11:45 - Workshops session 4 & Open Stage

Workshop 4A – How can you keep your F2F donors?

Erica Waasdorp

Erica Waasdorp – A Direct Solution (USA)

The hard work bringing in new F2F donors for your non-profit is often negatively impacted by drop-offs — especially in the first few months.

This is where recognition, stewardship, retention, payment types and follow-ups go hand-in-hand.

In this session, I will share best practices & tests done by organisations to improve retention and reduce drop-offs, demonstrating the importance of not just focusing on acquisition but also retention. And how even a small improvement in retention rates can improve your overall F2F results and sustainer (monthly donor) growth.

Workshop 4B – Leading with your values – Purpose-led fundraising for a sustainable future utilising the B Corporation framework

Liam McEntegart

Liam McEntegartREAL Fundraising & F2F Alliance (UK)

This session will examine the new ethical standards and self-regulation F2F agencies require as well as a new business model the charitable sector demands one that balances people, planet, purpose, and profit, and that provides a fair deal to all parties in the F2F supply chain, the charity, agency and F2F fundraiser.

This presentation will demonstrate the benefits of selecting a F2F agency with the right values — benefits to charities as well as to agencies looking to shape their culture for good and drive positive change for their clients.

We genuinely believe that all F2F agencies should adopt the standards of the B Corporation movement, and we hope that by sharing them, we can help drive change for the future within the industry.

Workshop 4C – Optimising your recruitment process

Joyce Browaeys

Joice Browaeys – Strategies & Leaders (Belgium)

Recruitment of new fundraisers is a challenge in many markets. Retaining them is too. In this session, I encourage participants to visually draw out their recruitment processes one step at a time, reflect on cost-efficiency and develop a system for your organisation whereby you can better monitor your recruitment channels. Tracking how many candidates apply through a particular channel, how many you invite for interview, how many you hire through each channel, and how they perform in the role. This is not rocket science yet too often we fail to monitor these metrics.

The next step is then to apply recruitment profiles, thinking about how you position yourself in your market. Do you go for students, employee-contracts, or freelance workers? What unique position do you have against competing other F2F fundraising operations? What can you offer that others can’t? Once hired, why do your fundraisers stay in the job?
You will be able to map this out via a benchmarking exercise.

Workshop 4D – Pairing donor recruitment and donor stewardship – unlocking the long-term true value of F2F

Richard Prentice

Richard Prentice SG Support Services (Malaysia)

Richard will focus on the benefit of providing F2F recruitment channels with long-term datasets, showing what ROI looks like at different points in time versus the cost of fundraising. He will illustrate how pairing recruitment with donor stewardship makes F2F campaigns easier to optimise for both the charity and the channel to achieve better outcomes, adding more value. He’ll cover gift sweet spots, retention rates, and why we need to track value over a longer period.

Workshop 4E – Building the next Generation of Fundraisers

Elsbeth de Ridder – Save the Children International (Spain)
Stephan Kropf – Austrian Fundraising Association (Austria)
Sasha BuonasorteShelter UK (UK)

Open Stage

This format offers you the opportunity to present something yourself. If you are interested, you can either prepare a short talk or present something spontaneously.


11:45-12:00 - Break


12:00-12:15 - Presentation survey results


12:15-12:45 - Keynote 8

Keynote 8 – Face 2 Face with UNICEFs Work in Malawi


Christoph Jünger – UNICEF (Austria)


12:45-13:15 - Closing


13:15-14:00 - Lunch


14:00 - Individual side-meetings & Farewell

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